Thursday, February 21, 2013

Final concept for chance operation

Steps for my chance operation:

1. Choose 8 anime to watch. With your partner, each person chooses 4 anime randomly done by lottery. (The 4 anime I got are: Ao no Exorcist, Bleach, Death Note, Samurai Champloo.)

2. Using iPhone application "Lottery" to generate ten numbers. The first digit would be minutes and second digit is second.
My lottery number are: 5-42, 12-53, 10-20, 15-34, 2-38, 20-42, 55-56, 4-55, 4-30, 43-56

Each episode will give me 8 pictures because one anime only run for about 30 minutes. So, it eliminates the 2 big numbers that don't match hour description. Now I have: 2:38, 4:30, 4:55, 5:42, 10:20, 12:53, 15:34, 20:42.
Ofcourse each person lottery number will be different and this will effect how much picture people can get. 
3. Watch Anime without skipping the opening and ending. Only watch the first 10 episodes of each Anime. Take a screen shot according to the random number you got.
4. Gather the entire picture together and create a collage portrait of some famous person that you like.

5. The arrangement of the collage is very open to the artist as they are allowed to arrange pictures in many ways they like (repetition is allow). However, The size of the portrait cannot be smaller than 16 inch x 20 inch.

This is my final product:


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chance operation

1. PAINT ON 9 in x 11 in canvas and create a little story line.

2. Draw for an hour everyday for a week on a large surface paper around 3 feet by 8 feet and see what  link or connection do you create in your drawing.  

3. Take 100 photos in a week on a similar subject. For example, the subject is flowers. With many different kinds of flower and the wide variety of colors, from all that 100 photos, create someone portrait. (Can be anybody). 

4. Pick 8 Anime to watch and use lottery apps from iPhone to generate your number in order to take a screenshot of the scene. Before starting the movie, generate 5 numbers and take pictures during the listed then create a portrait from picture collected. 

Respond to Vannevar Bush

The article was published in July 1945 and during that period of time, WWII was coming to an end. In this time, the birth of computer and many other technology happened. Some of the prediction is correct and become more advanced than he thought of.
For example, The Vocoder and stenotype. On our iPhone, this function appears because the car rule where hands free and can not text while driving create this program. Nowadays, people can just go to the text messaging screen, click the voice recorder button and say words that you want to text to your friend.
He also talked about the keyboard machine and punch card where our current technology known as computer, fax machine, and printer/scanner. Nonetheless, he never expected how internet access become so available that it brings a new issue of copyright.

So, the three predictions that I can come up with are:
1. I heard on the news that in another 7 years which is 2020, billionaire can afford to ride on the space rocket shuttle and explore the universe. From this information, in 60 years ahead, scientist will find that one of the other planet in the universe is very similar to earth or even trying to occupy the moon as a based. Nonetheless, the more advance the technology, the bigger issue human race needs to face.

2. Currently, we have a self checkout machine in our grocery shopping store and this cut off lots of employment opportunities. Furthermore, I read an article before where IBM is researching how to scan a barcode of items that shopper bought in one go. Meaning they will build a gate like the one in security airport and once people pass that gate, the automatic scanner could able to scan all of the items inside customer basket or cart. So, in 60 years, either cashier will be replaced by robots or machine program that allow people more flexibility.

3. Since there would be a space shuttle to the outside universe, in 60 years ahead, there would be even more crazy inventions as some of the people already started doing it. Underwater car (amphibious car) and flying car is one of the possibilities. So far, one of my classmates back in De Anza college, his uncle is doing a research about the underwater car. If their or some other person's invention become successful, that means our road will have less traffic even we have to build a new floating tubular bridge for the flying car.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

type for 5 min

~ Japanese animation is my favorite.
~ I wish to create manga.
~ 2nd world.
~ The digital world are so wide and i really want to go to animation. The technology that we have nowadays is really convenient. However, if people watch Gundam wing or Gundam seed and seed destiny. People might think in 50 more years earth will lose all it sources and people start to migrate to some other space. Despite of moving to other planet, peace will never be  stabilize. War and terror would always be in everyone mind.
 ~ Things that popular now will go away in the future and be replace with something newer.
 ~ So much to know and so much to learn but human have a limited amount of time and life span. It's hard to organize what we have to  do in 24 hours time to maximize study.