Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Outside event one (SFSU visiting artist (Ligorano/ Reese)

Once every three weeks, at SFSU there would be visiting artist give a speech and experience in the society or the real world and how people react towards their art. So, these two joined artist of Ligorano and Reese came to SFSU and share their experience and their art work. On this particular day, the artists were caught in traffic and came late. The talk usually starts exactly at 5 pm yet on that day, the talk started at 5:30pm. At first I was a little disappointed because the waste of time I was sitting in the room for doing nothing and almost walk out of the room. However, before I even stand up, The two artists rush into the room and apologized while setting up their information. Nonetheless, I was glad that I stayed to listen to their informative talk. Their artwork is recognized by many different people and even the TV news announce and give a harsh critique on it. Their art work of giant ice sculpture really shakes the country in 2012. "MIDDLE CLASS" is the sculpted word and they put it around the city to get a person's reaction. But the biggest reaction comes from the news where this political art being talked negatively from the government point of view.
http://meltedaway.com/ this is the link they show in their presentation.
Their other work is also related to technology and chance operation where they did the neon light in combination with textile art which titled "50 different minds". I really amazed to see their work and give me new inspiration to create art that could reflect or make the viewer think to respond either positively or negatively yet, it doesn't affect what the artist want to say. They also emphasize on the freedom of speech amendment because their work was critiqued by political people and considered as negative meaning of the art work. Therefore, I think their art work is really powerful and meaningful that strong enough to make people think and consider the reality of our society.

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